Tongue Twister (Little Friar Lawrence)
(“rare” “literally” “literary”) Little rare gems, gladly listening to lore, glisten literally to scripture, wiping Friar Lawrence clean of literary literature.
(“rare” “literally” “literary”) Little rare gems, gladly listening to lore, glisten literally to scripture, wiping Friar Lawrence clean of literary literature.
(“fl” “fi” “ja” “ju”) The flowery flim-flam jabiru finds the fox’s jewelery flim-flam.
(“ua” “uer” “ue”) The walls were wide with world wide web, while washing woopies whirled without words in a world of warring wookies, notwithstanding missing words pearls too were missing in this world of warring wookies, always worrying ever washing these whirling woopies, here, where the walls were tie-dyed […]
Los sabios saben del sapo que solo supo soplar sopas so saladas so sanas sin salpicar sobre sus sabanas suaves saltando soledades sin suspiros en esos santos sábados soleados.