Tongue Twister (Little Friar Lawrence)
(“rare” “literally” “literary”) Little rare gems, gladly listening to lore, glisten literally to scripture, wiping Friar Lawrence clean of literary literature.
(“rare” “literally” “literary”) Little rare gems, gladly listening to lore, glisten literally to scripture, wiping Friar Lawrence clean of literary literature.
(“fl” “fi” “ja” “ju”) The flowery flim-flam jabiru finds the fox’s jewelery flim-flam.
(“ua” “uer” “ue”) The walls were wide with world wide web, while washing woopies whirled without words in a world of warring wookies, notwithstanding missing words pearls too were missing in this world of warring wookies, always worrying ever washing these whirling woopies, here, where the walls were tie-dyed […]
For the polyglots and language lovers, enjoy: “40 Brilliant Idioms” by Helene Batt and Kate Torgovnick May (from TED Blog > Language) My favorite from the list: From Russian translator Aliaksandr Autayeu: The idiom: Галопом по Европам Literal translation: “Galloping across Europe.” What it means: “To do something hastily, […]
The original “Art of” book, in its auditory entirety, is below: Art of War – Sun Tzu (audiobook on Archive.org) Some of the lessons have always stuck with me, as in “Even if you are competent, appear to be incompetent; Though effective, appear to be ineffective.” Not sure why. […]